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Lysyl Endopeptidase, Mass Spectrometry Grade

  • 中文名称:赖氨酰肽链内切酶,质谱级
  • CAS NO.:
  • 品牌名称:Wako
  • 品牌货号:125-05061
  • 产品级别:蛋白质组学
  • 包装规格:20ug x5
  • 本店售价:2,070.002,280.00
  • *西宝提示:部分商品因特殊包装等原因,可能额外加收运费,请您理解。


Lysyl Endopeptidase, Mass Spectrometry Grade,赖氨酰肽链内切酶,质谱级,货号:125-05061,品牌:Wako

    Among the most important techniques in proteome analyses is the in-gel digestion of protein spots/bands that have been resolved by electrophoresis using digestive enzymes, such as trypsin and lysyl endopoptidase. Proteins can be identified by mass spectrometry analysis of the peptides produced by in-gel digestion, and further information regarding post-translational modifications can be obtained.Lysyl Endopeptidase, Mass Spectrometry Grade is a freeze dried product that retained sufficient activity for in-gel digestion and packed in very small quantities for convenience purposes.
